Your skin is your first line of defense between your body and the outside world. It protects you from microbes and pollution, helps regulate body temperature, and permits the sensations of touch, heat, and cold.
There are many internal factors impacting your skin, including genetics, ageing, hormones and diseases. External factors include unprotected sun exposure, an unhealthy diet, high stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, dehydration or smoking.
To keep your skin healthy and attractive, it is recommended to examine the potentially unhealthy aspects of your lifestyle and consider making changes.
Skin ageing is a process when the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkling starts to appear. This is an inevitable process that results in thin, dry skin and wrinkles. However, premature skin ageing may also take place due to high sun exposure, air pollution, smoking and poor nutrition.
Some actions for preventing premature skin ageing include a healthy diet, reducing stress, and reducing alcohol consumption. It is also important to keep the skin moist, to consider stopping or reducing smoking, to sleep more and to drink more water.
Your skin may also react beneficially from periodic consumption of probiotics and collagen.

Giving birth to a child is one of the most beautiful experiences a woman can have. Some women give birth to a child by delivering naturally. Other women have a C-section due to health issues relating to the birth.
One of the downsides of the C-section is a scar. The mark stays visible for life, although the color of the scar fades with time. There are procedures that may help the scar to fade away completely including laser therapy or various pharmaceutical gels and creams.
Up to 60% of the human body consists of water, which means that our bodies depend on water to survive. Our body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste and lubricate our joints. Staying hydrated is essential for overall good health and wellness.
Therefore, it is vital to drink enough water to feel good and to avoid a dry skin effect. Dehydrated skin can become itchy and dull looking and may also lead to skin irritation.
It is possible to avoid the dry skin effect by using hyaluronic acid, which is a clear substance found naturally in our skin and body. Its function is to hold water and help keep it hydrated. Like collagen and elastin, the amount of hyaluronic acid our bodies produce decreases with age. Using collagen and hyaluronic acid as a supplement may be a solution.

Skin irritation and rashes may be caused by a skin reaction to wool, chemicals, cosmetics, medication and other substances. The skin may become itchy and exhibit redness. Excessive sports or other reasons may also cause blisters to appear.
Another cause is dry skin. If not cared for, dry skin may develop into atopic dermatitis or infections. Dry skin is usually caused by weather, heat, hot baths and showers, soaps and detergents, or other skin conditions.
Anyone ageing and living in low-humidity or cold conditions, or who swims frequently in chlorinated pools, may be at risk of dry skin.
Acne is a skin condition that affects people despite their age. Acne is known to be a teenagers’ skin condition. Mature women may face acne, for example, before menstruation.
Acne causes spots and oily skin. Most commonly, acne develops on the face, upper back, chest and shoulders. The main causes of acne are an excess oil production, clogged hair follicles, bacteria or inflammation. Hormonal changes, certain medications or diet may trigger or worsen acne.